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LED Volumes & In-Camera VFX

In 2021, we introduced Virtual Production to Texas.
Below are a few of the great projects that we're honored to be a part of.

One Less Thing To Worry About

Agency: Butter Co

Production Company: Revelator

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Co-Production House

100% filmed on our LED Volume, Stage 2

Credits: Virtual Production & Supervision

​Publications: Editor's Pick: Adage


Poe / A Tale of Madness

Director: Paul Bloodgood

Executive Director: Stephen Mills​

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Co-Production House

100% filmed on our LED Volume, Stage 2

Credits: Virtual Production & Production, Custom Unreal Engine Development, Camera Tracking, Motion Control, VFX & Color Grade

Publications: Adweek, Pointe Magazine, Dance Magazine

What We're Not & Allways

Agency: Door No.3 ​

Production Company: The Bear

Co-Production House

100% filmed on our LED Volume, Stage 2

Credits: Virtual Production, Custom Unreal Engine Development


Mastering the Volume: II

Production Company: Virtigo Pictures



About the Episode

100% filmed on our LED Volume, Stage 2

This action-packed short film explores various virtual production techniques followed by a Q&A with the creators.

Features: Photogrammetry, Cinematics & Motion Control

Revealing Mahlkönig EK Omnia

Production Company: Canyon House Films

Co-Production House

100% filmed on our LED Volume, Stage 2

Credits: Virtual Production, Custom Motion Graphics

Motion Control: Ari Morales 

AMD Keynote CES 2024

Agency: Freeman

Production Company: Mile 80

Co-Production House

100% filmed on our LED Volume, Stage 2

Credits: Motion Control, Live Comp, XR Output

69 Minutes with Tom Segura. 10% of this video was filmed using Virtigo’s LED Volume, Stage 2.
69 Minutes with Tom Segura. Virtigo provided virtual production and motion graphic services.

69 Minutes with Tom Segura

Production Company: John John Productions

Co-Production House

15% filmed on our LED Volume, Stage 2

Credits: Virtual Production, Motion Graphic

Reshaping the Metaverse 

Production By: Accenture

Co-Production House

70% filmed on our LED Volume, Stage 2

Credits: Virtual Production, Camera Tracking, Motion Control, XR output


Chiropractic Social 

Production Company: Virtigo Pictures


Co-Production House

100% filmed on our LED Volume, Stage 1

Credits: Virtual Production, Camera Tracking, Custom Unreal Engine Development, Production & Post-Production 


Mastering the Volume: I

Production Company: Virtigo Pictures



About the Episode

100% filmed on our LED Volume, Stage 2

Following this  short film we discuss how we built and integrated our Volume Stage, becoming the first of it's kind in the state of Texas. 

Features: Zeiss Cincraft Camera Tracking, Unreal Engine 5.1

Cloud Client Workspace

Production Company: Dell Blue

Co-Production House

100% filmed on our LED Volume, Stage 2

Credits: Virtual Production, Camera Tracking, Motion Control, Custom Unreal Engine Development ​


The Mansion 

A sales engagement project directed by Corey Crumpacker and Director of Photography Mike Kozolenko

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Co-Production House

100% filmed on our LED Volume, Stage 2

Credits: Virtual Production, Camera Tracking, Custom Unreal Engine Development ​

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